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Dedan Kimathi University of Technology is a Premier Technological University Excelling in Quality Education, Research and Technology Transfer for National Development that was established under the University’s Act 2012 by the Government of Kenya in December 2012.

TheChartered Public University that has two campuses: the Main Campus that is located 6 KM from Nyeri town along Nyeri- Nyahururu highway and Nairobi Campus located at Pension Towers, Loita Street. The location accords students of an enabling and serene learning environment. The Institution endeavors to provide an academically stimulating, culturally diverse and quality learning environment that fosters research, innovation and technology development towards producing relevant technical and managerial human resources and leaders to contribute to the attainment of national development goals.

The University offers a wide range of programs both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in various schools and institutes. These include Computer Science and Information Technology, Engineering, Applied Sciences, Food Science and Technology, Health Science, Business Management and Economics, Geothermal Energy Technology, Geomatics, Geospatial Information Systems, and Remote Sensing, Tourism and Hospitality, Technical and Professional Studies. The University also offers diploma and Certificate courses for mid-level technical skills. The programs offered by the University are approved by the Senate and the various designated bodies like Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) and Commission for University Education (CUE) that was established by the government of Kenya through the Commission for University Education Act, 2010.